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Are you an employee or contractor who has produced a communication product for a federal, tribal, military, state, regional, county, municipal, or other government entity?

Be recognized! Enter your product(s) in the National Association of Government Communicators’ 2025 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen (BP&GS) Awards Competition. 

Projects must have been produced or implemented between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 to be eligible for submission. Please note that if your payment is not received by February 14, 2025, your submissions will be disqualified.

Enter as many categories as you choose — the number of opportunities to share your best work, innovation, creativity and use of technology may surprise you.

This annual international awards program recognizes superior government communication products and those who produce them. We constantly work to ensure our categories reflect the changing face of communication in and out of government.

Please note: your project must meet a minimum score of 60 (out of 100) during the judging process to be eligible for any award

Prior to starting an Entry Submission, you need to first create an account.

  • If you entered a submission last year, you can use your existing username and password.
  • This is a different platform than the NAGC website, so you will not be able to log-in with your current NAGC username and password.
  • You can create a new account by clicking the 'My Account' tab along the top.

Be a Judge in the 2025 Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards!

We value your expertise! Apply to be a judge for our upcoming rewards 

Click here to access the judges application form.

Important dates for judging:

  • February 14 - BPGS Judging Sign Up closes
  • February 20 - BPGS Judging opens
  • March 13 - BPGS Judging closes

Entry Fees and Important Dates

Submission Type

Entry Fee

Early Bird Member


Early Bird Non-Member






Multiple Submissions Discount


 *discount applied automatically at checkout


Deadlines for Entry

Awards Open for Submissions

December 9, 2024

Early Bird Discount Ends

January 10, 2025

Awards Submissions Close

February 14, 2025

Award Winners Notified

April 2025

Awards Reception and Ceremony

May 21, 2025

* The Blue Pencil & Gold Screen Awards Reception and Ceremony will be held in person on May 21, 2025 at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh, PA.

Please note that this event will not be offered virtually.