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Submissions are judged on the following seven criteria:


  • Quality of Content: Quality of all elements of the entry including but not limited to audio quality, graphics, photographic elements, grammar and spelling.

  • Clear Purpose & Objective:  Why was this project launched for your organization? What issue(s) did you hope to resolve with your entry?

  • Clear Intended Audience: Who was your audience for this project? Please describe the audience demographics in detail.

  • Implementation Strategy: How did you formulate your plan for your entry? How was the campaign executed? Who was involved with the planning and implementation? Was there a budget? Be prepared to submit a detailed budget with your entry. Please remember the budget should include staff hours, licensed graphics, printing costs (where applicable), video costs, and any outside contracted costs.  

  • Outcomes/Effectiveness/ROI: In general, what was the outcome of your entry? Was it what you expected? What was the ROI of your entry? Documentation and analytics, if they are available, are helpful for this criteria

  • Creativity: This criteria will be judged on both the creative use of resources (budget, graphics, photography and other elements) AND the overall creativity of the entry as a whole. 

  • Wow Factor: Judges will evaluate your entry on the “wow factor” - the qualities or features that make it extremely impressive - both as a stand alone entry AND as it compares to other entries in the category.  

Click Here for Scoring Information